Thursday, May 7, 2015

Facebook nation

Year 2030
(inspired by,
Imagining Internet – Netnandan Speedekani)

     Facebook is declared a nation.  Mark Zuckerberg is the president of this online nation, controlling all the operations from Shanghai, China. His father in law is very happy to have his daughter and son-in law home, as he was already tired of chatting over WhatsApp & talking over Skype, that was conquered by Facebook many years ago.
Jignesh Scrollkarni is living in the capital, completely imbibed in the constantly changing status (not financial or political, but social) of society and trying to keep track of it. Ever since he left his job at Orkut Netizen Grievances Company (ONGC) and took job as a full-time news reporter, his life changed forever.

A thousand more likes and hundreds of friends quickly entered his facebook account and so were the numbers in his bank account. Recently, I happened to visit his home and I found his personal notes for the news hour script.

An excerpt from the same-

Buying the grocery, or any other stuff for that sake, was never as easy before. A bunch
of coupons and some promo codes would easily fetch a month's supply of grocery. For those who were below poverty line  (the unfortunate ones who could not afford monthly internet pack), government had started issuing 'Udhaar cards'. A unique Udhaar ID would fetch monthly supply of McD burgers and Dominos Pizzas. Newly appointed 'Feed minister', Updatesh Likewala has plans to bring some change in the current system and to directly transfer the coupons and promo codes to beneficiery payTM wallet. His plans are backed by President Zuckerberg and has also allotted a stipulated budget of 1 million  coupons for the same.

Also, the PayTM bank is really satisfied with the ever increasing balance of netizens in their 'Spendings Bank Accounts'.

The public transport system is handled by recently created department of Online Lucky
Aarakshan (OLA), under the able leadership of hon'ble transport minister Shri Appa Installkar, who was a former CM at a southern state. It was quite a modern facility where everyone is able to go to any place in a very short time and a very cheap rate. Going from one website to another was never as easy before. It happens just by a ‘cursory’ glance.

The nation also makes provision for its minority population which uses Google plus. The servers operating the Google + network were given extra police protection after the 'comment’al clashes between the two sects surged in some states. The leader of minority groups Lara Pagare said in a recent interview that he is going to demand more bandwidth as well as a greater allocation of advertisements in the coming parliament session. He was also sulking over the alleged 'forced conversion' of the people of his social media site. He winds up the meeting as he has to go to the sacred ritual of updating status which is to be done 5 times a day.

A recent natural disaster in neighboring country Twitteristan shook the entire nation.
Their servers crashed for 3 long days and the entire population was in turmoil. Unable to update their status for 3 days, the mental health of all its citizens was plummeting. But the netizens of facebook country were ready to help, as they allowed the netizens on the other side of border to update their status from their own account. The prime minister of Twitteristan Rameshwar Srivatsanam thanked Mr Zuckerberg for their timely help and also twitted from his facebook account- " The servers are 'Down', but an 'Up'date is very necessary!"

The north eastern country of Quorea is proving to be a military and economical threat to the world. The recent elections saw plethora of upVotes to the leader of ‘Intellectual Party’, Mr BalaJivan Vishveshwarayya. He will soon be forming a new government after successfully gathering support from the ‘Serious party’ candidates and other Lengthiest parties. The rise of Quorea has shocked many countries in its neighborhood who had thought that it will never allow advertisements on its land. But Quorea proved all of them wrong by quickly taking over the advertisement industry. Now, it is the second largest economy after Facebook and its Gross Domestic Promocode (GDP) has seen growth of 20% over the last one year. 

With this, today’s newsfeed is over. See you tomorrow, at the same place, same timeline.

Keep scrolling! 


  1. Nice one.. Use of Facebook is basic need for some people now a days..

    1. Yep, in fact the entire internet as a commodity..
